The Greek gods, and the writings
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The Founders of the Olympian universe :
TARTAR : founder of the universe, according to the Greeks.
He was allotted a place beneath hell, (the place where criminals were punished), and was also considered to be a primordial god, who united with Gaia (the Earth) to produce the monsters Typhas and Echidnas!
OURANOS (the sky) and GAIA (the Earth)
" OURANOS ": (in Roman URANUS)
Personification of the Sky in the Greek mythology, begotten by Gaia - the Earth; he became the first male element in the genealogy of the hesiodic gods.
OURANOS and his mother Gaïa created by their union :
R H E A and C H R O N O S
A STUDY of the Greek and Roman GODS
LIST of the famous offspring of CHRONOS
ZEUS / Jupiter
/ Neptune Also three daughters : HERA - DEMETER and HESTIA |
THE FAVORITES OF ZEUS and their children :
This portrait of the origins, the wives and conquest of ZEUS (the king of the gods of Olympus) gives us an idea of the Greek religion, which appears to have scoffed at moral conventions.
But to understand and digest the extracts from Plato's texts which we shall analyze together, we must study the beliefs and mythology which were taught in Greece in the IVth and Vth centuries before Christ.
S O L O N (born 640 BC, died 558BC).
He was a poet, philosopher and a great citizen of Athens. Elected "Archonte" in 594BC by the citizens, he was given sweeping powers. He prevented a civil war between the Eupatrides, (the aristocracy), and the lower classes, who were threatened by slavery. His great reforms, giving equality and the right to vote to all classes in the Assembly of the people contributed greatly to the development of Athens. Classed among the 7 sages, Plato considered him to be the greatest of the poets of antiquity.
Let us try to summarize the situation in the Middle East at this time. Remember that Egypt was completely dominated by the Assynians, who had come to pillage the fabulous riches of Thebes in 664 BC. But in 612 BC it was the turn of Ninevah to be destroyed by the Babylonians.
In Egypt, Necho II (who ruled at SAIS over the Northern Kingdom) took advantage of this and reconquered Palestine, Syria and the famous city of Karkemish. But in 605BC prince Nebuchadnesor II inflicted a massive defeat on the Egyptians and retook Karkemish. Two months later, Nabopolassar died and his son Nebuchadnesor II succeeded him on the throne of Babylon.
It is very possible that during this time, SOLON the ARCHONT of Athens was in Egypt and especially in the capital Sais.
(Can we for a moment imagine this capital so grand and important as it was then ? Now we can only guess its appropriate location).
Yet the status and qualities of this great man show themselves in that his legacy influenced the writings of PLATO!
S O C R A T E S (Born 470 BC, died 399BC).
Although, he lived only a short time he had a full life. He was a man of two faces; he was considered by some to be a corrupter of youth and by others as the father of philosophical thought. Condemned by the legal authorities, he felt he had to drink poison (Hemlock.) Anytos, Melitos and Lycon betrayed him. PLATO was his pupil and spent his entire life restoring SOCRATES' good name and banishing Lycon for initiating the process, which had condemned his former Master.
In an extract of the Timaeus, Plato relates the discussion between Cristias and SOCRATES about evidence discovered by Solon from an old priest who had been in authority in Sais and who claimed to be a descendent of the great Imhotep.
P L A T O (Born 428BC, died 348BC).
A former pupil of SOCRATES, (from 408BC to 399BC), followed his co-disciple Euclid to Megare after the suicide of their Master, where they founded a school of philosophy. After a very eventful voyage to Sicily, PLATO returned to Athens in 38BC to found his own school of Philosophy which Aristotle attended. (Aristotle was to be the Father of Logic and the Prince of philosophers).
Euclid of Megave wrote a "Treatise on truth, unity and the eternity of being". PLATO in his search for mystical ideals wrote :
"All knowledge is a perception of the soul of the realities of life. The superior form of KNOWLEDGE is a visionary approach to the essence of being, the first principle of which is the idea of good..."
Extracts from the TIMAEUS (PLATO) : about the voyage of Solon to Sais
At the time when Sais was the greatest city in the Nile Delta, Solon (our Archont of Athens) went there to question the most learned priests in Egypt about the past. One day, as Solon discussed with this noble assembly the history of the first man known on earth and about the last flood, a wise old priest replied to him and taught Solon in these words :
- - " Solon you Greeks are mentally like children Is there not an aged sage among you ? "
- Taken back, Solon asked him what he meant by these words.
- The priest replied :
- - " You all too young in spirit and have no ideas handed down from ancient traditions, no knowledge from ancient times." He explained further :
- " Many disasters have befallen humanity and many more will do so, the worst from water and fire, and the least by asteroids and meteorites, which spin around the sky and the earth.
- Some of these celestial bodies will change their trajectories, and eventually all who live on earth will be subjected to violent explosions. Those who live on the mountains will perish. Also, when the gods purify the Earth and flood it, those who live near the rivers and streams will be carried by the water to the sea.
- Every time you (Greeks) or other nations start to write and gather together the first rudiments of civilization, the furies of the sky crash down on you. The only ones who escape are the illiterate and the ignorant. So you must relearn everything whilst forgetting your past completely !
- For the soul, observe how "Natural Law" has taken care of everything since the beginning of the world. It reveals to us everything through intuition, the art of medicine, religious knowledge (which teaches human beings about eternal life), and all the sciences, which follow from these."
- "The great (mother) goddess chose the place of your birth, knowing that there would be a propitious place to engender a race of men in her image........ in just the same way as the sons and students of the gods..."
- (Critias p.108 109.) "My dear Hermocrates, I want to point out to you 9,000 years have passed since the war broke out on both sides of the columns of Hercules... (the Atlantean civil war)
- Knowing now that the deluge took place in the year 8,975BC, one wonders if there was a link between that war and the consequences of the deluge?
- (Critias continues) " I have earnestly studied in my youth the manuscripts (of the discourse of Solon). They were handed down by my grandfather and are now in my possession. In the past the gods separated the earth into different parts for which they drew lots. Poseidon received the Island of Atlantis and placed his children there (whom he had with a mortal called Leucipe(!) whose parents had just died. Poseidon had fallen in love with the young women and she bore five generations each of who had a twin brother!
- The first born was Atlas and was named King of the Island of Atlantis and gave his name to the Ocean which surrounded it. The second born was given the end of the Island towards the Columns of Hercules, across from the region now called CADES " (!)
Was this the town of Cades in Sinai or an ancient town of the same name? Why do we still call the Straits Of Gibraltar" "The Columns of Hercules", and why are the two mountain chains that separate Marocco from Sahara still called the Middle and High Atlas Mountains?
- Poseidon named the second twin Eumelos which means Gadiros. The second twins Poseidon named Ampheres and Evaimon. The third pair were Mneseas and Autochtonos. The fourth pair was Elasippos and his twin Mestor. The fifth pair was Azaes and Diaprepres.
As with the descendent of Noah, will these names one-day call to mind towns or islands or lands long since gone ?
- All were lords of several islands in the sea but they ruled also the area inside the Columns of Hercules, that is the lands from Egypt to Tyrrenia/ (Erutria /Italy)... (almost all the Mediterranean basin.)
Then PLATO describes the main island with the palace of Poseidon, the athletics fields; the many temples dedicated to the gods, the great ports and the arsenals full of ships.
- Every 6 years the ten kings got together to jointly administer justice, then they released a bull into an arena where the kings must catch and butcher him, using only a sword and nets.
- Each king had his own special talent and each had to help the others if enemies threatened (?) Despite their wealth, they were virtuous men, living modestly and without materialistic things of life. However, one day the divine element within them dwindled, due to their union with mortals and the human element flourished...
- So ZEUS, the god of all gods, judged the kings who had been so pure and chastised them to punish them and lead them to reflect...
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It is difficult to sort out the evidence, which has come down to us over thousands of years (particularly from Greece!) and all from different viewpoints. Many scholars have done research into the Old Kingdom of Athens, some seeing the center in Crete, (J.V. Luce), in Nigeria (Leo Frobenius), or simply as beneath the Mediterranean or the Atlantic Ocean.
Crete and the Canary Islands are ancient volcanic islands and when one considers that the ice-field covered Europe as far as Provence, it is highly probable that an ancient civilization developed in the Mediterranean basin. We know only that PLATO'S descriptions are confusing (he expresses himself often in "stades" - a Greek unit of measurement of about 600 feet) instead of in "thousands of miles" (a mile=1609m), which are the real measure of continents.
The real problem is therefore not where Atlantis was located, or at such and such a time (with its survivors), but we want to know where their knowledge came from and how they transmitted it to future generations.
Unlike many "lost" civilizations, the first inhabitants of the Kingdom of Atlantis were a very peaceful and civilized people. According to PLATO, there existed complete agreement among the 10 kings who governed ALL the Mediterranean basin, and perhaps part of central Africa, where they practiced circumcision and even excision on children at puberty. It is truly a shame that Plato's version is "exaggeratedly Hellenistic" to please his contemporaries...
Did the wicked inhabitants of Atlantis exile their good brothers to the mountains? As "the fruit does not fall far from the tree", we should not be surprised to find (not far from Egypt) a base which had served the ancient Atlanteans, who since the first official dynasty had stated to infiltrate the spirit of the Egyptians (around 3,000BC, when the funeral mastabas appeared.) This was considerably enhanced with the nomination of Imhotep as Vizier and chief architect making him responsible for directing the new religion and the work on the first great step pyramid of King Djeser.
From then on, Egypt was covered with temples, whose monumental columns spoke for themselves, showing the greatness of their faith, together with the insignificance of man.
Paradoxically, in Greece a philosophy was developing which, far from searching for the spirit of idealism, exalted artful wit, jealousy and infidelity. It is quite probable that Solon received from the old priest of Sais much more information about the history of Atlantis but most of the people who read it found it incomprehensible or incompatible with their own ideas.
We must go to the apostle Paul to understand how much the Greeks were blinded by their materialistic existence and attitudes. In his first letter, Paul reproached the Corinthian Christians for their materialism and lack of unity :
(from the New English Bible)
"You say - I am Paul's man or am for Appollos; I follow Cephus or I am for Christ."
In Acts 17-32 with the Athenians :When they heard about the raising of the dead, some scoffed, and others said :
Solon must have encountered the same problems when he returned to Athens and spoke of the pyramids, and of the temples to Osiris; of the perfect, invisible God who judges the actions of their lives when they died. So we should not be surprised if the speeches and the manuscripts remained hidden at the bottom of chests belonging to some of his closest friends.
This is the difference between the Greeks and the Egyptians.
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